Dr. Victor R. Basili is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park, and the Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Center - Maryland. He was one of the founders and principals in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) at NASA/GSFC. He works on measuring, evaluating, and improving the software development process and product. He is recipient of the NASA Group Achievement Award, the NASA/GSFC Productivity Improvement and Quality Enhancement Award, the Outstanding Achievement in Mathematics and Computer Science Award by the Washington Academy of Sciences, the Outstanding Research Award from ACM SIGSOFT, and the IEEE Computer Society Harlan Mills Award. Dr. Basili has authored over 170 journals and refereed conference papers, has served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TSE, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Kluwer International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering and as Program Chair and General Chair of the 6th and 15th ICSE, respectively. He is an IEEE and ACM Fellow.
Dr. Dieter H. Rombach is a Full Professor in the Fachbereich Informatik at the Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany. He holds a chair in software engineering, and is executive director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) which aims at shortening the time needed for transferring research technologies into industrial practice. His research interests are in software methodologies, modeling and measurement of the software process and resulting products, software reuse, and distributed systems. Results are documented in more than 120 publications in international journals and conference proceedings. Since 2003 he serves as a member of the Software Process Achievement (SPA) Awards Committee of Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute. He is an associate editor for both the Kluwer Journal "Empirical Software Engineering" and ACM TOPLAS. He serves on the editorial boards of numerous other journals and magazines. He is a member of GI and ACM, and a Fellow of IEEE.
Dr. Barry Boehm received the BA degree from Harvard in 1957 and the MS and PhD degrees from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1961 and 1964, respectively, all in mathematics. He was with the DARPA Information Science and Technology Office, TRW, the Rand Corporation, and General Dynamics. He is currently the director for the Center for Software Engineering at USC. His current research interests focus on integrating a software system's process model, product model, property model, and success model via an approach called Model-Based Architecting and Software Engineering (MBASE). His contributions to the field include: the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), the Spiral Model of the software process, and the Theory W (win-win) approach to software management and requirements determination. He has served on the board of several scientific journals and as a member of the governing board of the IEEE Computer Society. He currently serves as chair of the board of visitors for the CMU Software Engineering Institute. He is a fellow of the IEEE, AIAA, and ACM, and a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the National Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Ross Jeffery is Professor of Software Engineering in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW and Program Leader in Empirical Software Engineering in National ICT Australia (NICTA). His current research interests are in software engineering process and product modeling and improvement, electronic process guides and software knowledge management, software quality, software metrics, software technical and management reviews, and software resource modeling and estimation. His research has involved over fifty government and industry organizations over a period of 15 years and has been funded from industry, government and universities. He has co-authored four books and over one hundred and twenty research papers. He has served on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and the Wiley International Series in Information Systems and he is Associate Editor of the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering. He is a founding member of the International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN). He was elected Fellow of the Australian Computer Society for his contribution to software engineering research.